--- title: NETPLAN-IP section: 8 author: - Danilo Egea Gondolfo (danilo.egea.gondolfo@canonical.com) ... ## NAME `netplan-ip` - retrieve IP information (like DHCP leases) from the system ## SYNOPSIS **`netplan`** \[*--debug*\] **ip** **-h**|**--help** **`netplan`** \[*--debug*\] **ip** *COMMAND* \[*--root-dir=ROOT_DIR*\] *ARGUMENTS* ## DESCRIPTION **`netplan ip`** retrieves IP information (like DHCP leases) from the system. ## DHCP COMMANDS **`leases`** `INTERFACE` : Displays DHCP IP leases Example: `netplan ip leases enp5s0` ## OPTIONS `-h`, `--help` : Print basic help. `--debug` : Print debugging output during the process. `--root-dir` : Read YAML files from this root instead of `/`. ## SEE ALSO **`netplan`**(5), **`netplan-get`**(8), **`netplan-status`**(8)